Import of Counterfeit “GUESS WHO” Board Games Prevented

24 January 2022

Sojuzpatent lawyers successfully represented Hasbro Inc. (USA) in a case against an importer of counterfeit goods.

Counterfeit children's board games were discovered during a customs clearance at a customs post in Moscow region and stopped by customs officials for additional inspection. The goods were marked with a designation confusingly similar to the GUESS WHO trademark owned by Hasbro. Sojuzpatent lawyers filed a petition in the interests of Hasbro Inc. to bring the infringer to administrative liability for importing counterfeit goods. Customs arrested the goods, initiated an administrative case and filed a lawsuit in the Moscow Arbitration Court.

Having considered the case, the court satisfied the claims in accordance with part 1 of Article 14.10 of the Russian Administrative Offenses Code, imposed a fine on the importer and ordered confiscation and destruction of the infringing goods.