Buhler AHS Fends Off Opposition Against its Utility Model Patent

06 November 2024

Rospatent’s Chamber for Patent Disputes refused to satisfy an opposition against the patent of the Russian Federation for utility model No. 22275 "Device for air humidification" owned by our client Buhler AHS LLC. The opposition stated that the claimed technical solution does not constitute an object of patent rights “utility model” and cannot obtain legal protection as a utility model (Clause 1 of Article 1351 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). Sojuzpatent lawyers, using legal and technical arguments based on patent documentation, technical literature and their own experience, were able to explain to the panel the structural features of the technical solution and prove the erroneousness of the objection arguments. As a result of the proceedings, our client was able to retain its patent rights in full.

Buhler AHS is a renowned international manufacturer of humidification and air conditioning systems.