The Belgorod Region Arbitration Court held an entrepreneur liable for unauthorized sales of counterfeit pods.
During a customs check, the officials of the Belgorod customs have uncovered smoking pods labeled with designations similar to Sojuzpatent’s client’s trademarks reg. № 738332 and № 734774 sold by an individual entrepreneur. Sojuzpatent filed a petition with the customs highlighting a high degree of similarity between marks on the goods and the client’s trademarks as well as the absence of the authorization from the rights holder to use its trademarks.
Upon the Sojuzpatent's petition the customs seized the goods, initiated an administrative case and filed a lawsuit with the Belgorod Region Arbitration Court. The court agreed with Sojuzpatent’s arguments and recognized the infringement of the client’s trademarks. The individual entrepreneur has been held liable under part 1 of Article 14.10 of the Russian Administrative Offenses Code with an administrative fine, and the counterfeit goods were ordered to be confiscated and destroyed.