Another Successful Case against Importer of My Little Pony Counterfeits

18 May 2020

Sojuzpatent lawyers successfully represented Hasbro Inc. (USA) against an importer of counterfeit goods at the Vladivostok Customs and the Primorskiy Region Arbitration Court. 

Officers at a customs post in Vladivostok discovered children’s make-up sets marked with a designation confusingly similar to the My Little Pony trademark owned by Hasbro. The goods were imported on the territory of Russia from China and stopped during the customs clearance in Vladivostok. Sojuzpatent lawyers filed a petition in the interests of Hasbro Inc. to bring the infringer to administrative liability for importing counterfeit goods. Customs arrested the goods, initiated an administrative investigation and filed a lawsuit in the Arbitration Court of Primorskiy region.

Having considered the case, the court satisfied the claims in full and brought the importer of the counterfeit goods to administrative liability under part 1 of Article 14.10 of the Russian Administrative Offenses Code, imposed a fine of 50 000 RUB and ordered that the infringing goods be confiscated and destructed.