Arbitration Court Accepts Renunciation of Suit and Ceases Court Proceedings in Favour of Sojuzpatent’s Client – AKZO NOBEL

24 October 2013

The Moscow Arbitration Court adopted in favour of Sojuzpatent’s client – AKZO NOBEL COATINGS INTERNATIONAL (Netherlands) the renunciation of the suit and ceased the court proceedings in a case regarding preterm termination of the trademark  under the international registration No. 876106 of the company Rautakesko Oy due to the conclusion of a settlement agreement between Sojuzpatent’s client and the trademark owner. According to the said settlement agreement the trademark owner has dropped its claims against Sojuzpatent’s client regarding the use of the designation “Pigment PROF” which is, according to the trademark owner’s opinion, similar to its trademark “ under the international registration No. 876106. According to the said settlement agreement  the trademark owner also has no objections against the registration of designation “Pigment PROF” as a trademark by Sojuzpatent’s client (application  for trademark registration No. 2011704588).