On September 20, 2006, the Chamber for Patent Disputes of the Russian Patent and Trademark Office ruled in favor of Sojuzpatent clients – Swiss firm “Interbrand Zintsmeyer and Lux AG” and British firm “Interbrand UK Ltd” (members of the Interbrand Group belonging to Omnicom and specializing in brand evaluation and promotion services) in an opposition procedure against the Russian firm “ZAO Interbrand Rusconsulting” (not related to Omnicom) who had squattered the Russian registration of the trademark “INTERBRAND”. The Chamber for Patent Disputes' decision declared the registration void and that permitted the Interbrand Group to start its business activity in Russia under the “INTERBRAND” designation. This decision is a precedent when a decent foreign company recovers its rights in Russia with absolutely no settlement with the squatter. The dispute was long, but the outcome demonstrated that the Russian Law provides all the necessary means for legitimate solution in favor of a true trade name owner.