Transfer of Rights - Russian and Eurasian Patents

How can I transfer the Russian part of an international patent application (PCT) and of a Eurasian patent (application)?

The Russian part of a PCT application (as any Russian patent or patent application) can be transferred/assigned to another party on the base of an agreement between the parties (the recordation of the transfer of rights under a Russian patent takes about two months within the RUPTO plus preparation work).

A transfer/assignment of a Eurasian patent (patent application) can only take place with regard to all the contracting states (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan). Therefore, if the patent holder intends to transfer their patent rights with regard to Russia only, they will be unable to do so as long as the Eurasian patent is maintained in force in other countries.  (And even if the patent holder has recently stopped paying annuities for some countries, the 3-year reinstatement right would be transferred together with the Eurasian patent).

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