Patent Annuities

A Russian invention patent is valid for 20 years and a utility model patent – for 10 years from the application filing date. The term of protection can be extended for inventions relating to drugs, pesticides or agrochemical products, in case their use requires a statutory authorization and more than five years has lapsed from the filing date of the patent application to the date of obtaining the first authorization. The extension period cannot exceed five years.

To maintain the validity of a patent, annuities should be paid to the Russian Patent Office starting from the first year for utility models and from the third year – for inventions. The first accumulated annuities are paid together with the grant and registration fees.

The annuities for every subsequent year should be paid within the preceding 12 months.

Every year, Sojuzpatent pays annuities for about 50 thousand patents. On your instruction, your patents can be added to our monitoring and reminder system, and we will ensure timely payment.

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A few of OUR advantages
  • We have nearly a century’s experience,

    guaranteeing you the highest quality service.

  • We have ample specialists in all areas of science and technology,

    allowing us to resolve even your most complex challenges.

  • Our patent attorneys and litigation lawyers work in tandem

    to provide you with the best-quality patents and to represent you successfully both in legal and in administrative disputes.

  • We provide an electronic interface to the patent offices

    with fully automated workflow to eliminate multiple data entry and avoid errors.

  • Proximity to the customer, both geographic and electronic.

    We have offices in the center of Moscow and in other major Russian cities. You can also access us remotely from anyplace in the world.

  • International IP publications rate us among the most prestigious world leaders

    in the area of Intellectual Property.

  • Transparent reporting and detailed invoicing

    provide you with complete information on our services.

  • Our professional liability is insured

    by one of the world’s leading insurance companies.